

Nature of information

The website (https://www.ppprotein.com.au/) contains information on health, physical well-being, the medical field, and treatments exclusively designed for human use. This information is presented on the site for informational purposes only and must not be considered in place of the professional advice provided to you by a physician or pharmacist. Under no circumstances should this information be utilised for making medical diagnoses, addressing illnesses or physical issues, or prescribing and using products featured on the site.

The website is not intended to report health concerns, adverse events, or product technical complaints, nor is it suitable for posting technical or medical inquiries regarding Pure Plant Protein products. In all instances, consulting with your physician or pharmacist is recommended.


Limitations on liability

While Pure Plant Protein endeavours to ensure the accuracy and currency of the information published on the site, it cannot guarantee that the available information is always accurate, correct, up-to-date, or complete. Pure Plant Protein also reserves the right to rectify website information without prior notice.

Consequently, Pure Plant Protein disclaims any liability for:

  1. Inaccuracies, errors, or omissions in the information available on the site.
  2. Damages that may result from fraudulent intrusion by a third party leading to alterations in information or items available on the site.
  3. Property damage or consequential loss, regardless of origin, nature, or consequences, even if the company was informed of the possibility of such damage or loss. This includes damages caused by (i) accessing or being unable to access the site, (ii) using the site, including any harm or virus that may affect your computer or other property, and/or (iii) placing reliance on any information directly or indirectly derived from the site.

The components of the site or any other site are provided "as is" without any guarantee, whether implicit or explicit. Pure Plant Protein does not offer any implicit or explicit guarantees, including but not limited to market value or suitability for any particular purpose. Information on products.

Information presented and published on the site may contain direct or indirect references to Pure Plant Protein's products, programs, and services that may not be announced or available in certain countries or regions. These products may be supplied under a different name and subject to regulations and terms of use that vary by country.

References to such products, programs, or services do not imply Pure Plant Protein's intention to sell them in your country. For information about products, programs, and services available to you, kindly refer to the company or your Pure Plant Protein sales partner.