All You Need To Know About Faba Bean Protein

All You Need To Know About Faba Bean Protein

What is Faba Beans? Faba beans belong to the pea and bean family called Fabaceae. They are wildly cultivated across...

by James King
| Our Stories | All You Need To Know About Faba Bean Protein


There are perhaps three important questions in life. What is the meaning of life, where did I leave my keys and, lastly but most importantly, what is faba bean protein? We’ll leave the first two questions to the philosophers and detectives of this world, but the last one we should be able to handle.

What is faba bean protein?

You may not have heard of the faba bean, but you may have heard of fava beans or particularly broad beans, which you will find in the frozen section of most supermarkets.

Faba beans belong to the pea and bean family called Fabaceae. They are wildly cultivated across the world and in many parts of the globe, including Australia. In Australia they are grown in winter and are an excellent nitrogen fixing crop, which means the plant adds nitrogen to the soil rather than taking it away. So, when you use faba bean protein powder you’re using a product that’s good for you and sustainable.

Nutritionally, faba beans and therefore faba bean protein, which is made mostly from faba beans, are an excellent source of protein and nutrients. They are vegan, GMO free and free of common allergens. 

What is faba bean protein?

Faba bean proteins and other plant-based proteins

Faba bean protein is just one of the plant-based proteins you can buy. Other common ones are pumpkin seed, brown rice, soy, chia and pea. 

From a nutritional standpoint, all have excellent qualities. One of the key benefits of faba bean proteins over many other plant-based protein powders, including pea protein, is it's less grainy and more pleasant to the palate. This is an important factor to consider, because as well as being good for you, faba bean proteins are an enjoyable addition to your diet.

What are the benefits of faba bean protein?

You could of course sit down to a big bowl of faba beans every night for dinner. It’s a great meal option and provides many nutritional benefits. But that would become pretty tiresome after a few days. Or you could simply use a tablespoon or so of faba bean protein in your pancake mix or protein shake and get the same faba bean benefits.

  • Faba beans are high in protein, around 85 per cent, so are particularly great for vegans and others who struggle to get enough protein into their diet.
  • It’s a complete protein and is packed full of essential amino acids.
  • Faba bean protein is high in fibre. Fibre can help with a whole range of bodily functions, including digestion, maintaining healthy glucose levels and reducing cholesterol.
  • It’s packed full of nutrients such as folate, manganese, copper, phosphorous, magnesium, potassium, thiamine and zinc.
  • Faba beans are also full of iron, a particularly important nutrient for women, who need more iron in their diets than men.
  • Faba bean protein is high in a compound that easily converts to dopamine. You may have heard of dopamine. It’s important for mental and physical health.
  • It’s low in fat and has zero saturated fats.
  • Eating faba beans and faba bean protein will help keep your immune system fighting fit. Both are rich in antioxidants.
  • It is great for muscle growth and development.
  • Because fava beans and fava bean protein can help you feel full for longer, they can be used to help you lose weight or maintain your healthy weight range.

    How can you use faba bean protein?

    One of the other benefits of faba bean protein over other plant-based proteins is that they can be easier to use.

    As well as being less gritty, faba bean protein is heat stable, so it can be used in any hot dishes you are making. As previously mentioned, they’re perfect for soups and casseroles, and could also be added to dishes such as curries and risottos. It can be easily used in sweet dishes too, or simply added to water for a drink, to boost your daily protein.

    How can you use faba bean protein?

    Where can you find faba bean protein?

    Pure Plant Protein make a range of premium plant proteins that includes faba bean protein.

    For example, our Premium Range is made with 100% Australian-grown faba bean plant protein, together with natural flavours and sweeteners. It’s gluten free, dairy free, GMO free and packed full of the benefits you’d expect to find in a premium product.

    Other products that use faba bean proteins include our Lifestyle Range which contains 50% faba 50% pea protein. Like to try a sample before buying the whole bag? Our Premium Range Sample Pack, featuring all three of the flavoured faba bean protein products, to decide which one you like the most.

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    Where can you find faba bean protein?


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